Medical School
The Scope - Monthly Newsletter
Congratulations to our staff who are reaching anniversary milestones of 10, 15, 20, 25 and up years of service!
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Nominations are due by 4:00 PM on October 10.
The Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (MNGWEP) offers a library of resources to teach about the care of older adults.
Providing diversity, equity, and inclusion training for our faculty and staff with multiple options of topic, dates and times.
Koushik Paul Receives 2022 Medical Student Leadership Award
The Center for Women in Medicine and Science provides scholarships for four participants in the 2022-2023 Women's Leadership Institute.
Senescent cells--cells that no longer function, but that remain in the body and can cause inflammation--are thought to be major factors in aging. The new SenNet, multi-institutional effort will advance knowledge of these cells.
Dr. Lin Yee Chen's research on using digital signals of movement, sleep and hearth rhythms to detect Alzheimer's disease is awarded an R01 grant.
"Art + Medicine: Speaking of Race" show nominated for Upper Midwest Regional Emmy Award. The ceremony will be on October 15.