Upcoming Events - January 2023

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MIDB Spring Colloquium Series Thursday, January 26 | 3-5pm

The Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain's spring colloquium series highlights our research hubs and services, clinic structure, and community engagement partners. LEARN MORE>> 

Center for Bioethics Ethics Grand Rounds Friday, January 27 | 12-1pm

The webinar title is: “Physicians’ Experiences with and Perceptions of Caring for Patients with Disability,” and the speaker is Lisa I. Iezzoni, MD, MSc, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and based at the Health Policy Research Center in the Mongan Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital. REGISTER>>

Biomedical Engineering-Industry Grand Rounds Monday, March 13 | 3:35-4:30 PM

The next University of Minnesota Biomedical Engineering-Industry Grand Rounds: Engineering tailored molecular interactions and toolsets via Zoom. REGISTER NOW>>