May Intro Letter

Jakub Tolar

Last Scope we asked you to guess the average number of Medical School-related emails received by faculty weekly. The answer is 52 (guesses ranged from 12-450).

The conversation about the number of emails, newsletters, and other communications we send is one we need to have throughout the Medical School. In the next Scope, I will share some of the strategies Medical School Communications are pursuing to help.

Thank you to the 961 people (10% of recipients) who completed the Dean’s Message survey! Responses:

  • Answers came from staff (43%), faculty (40%), learners (16%), and others (1%)
  • People read the message: sometimes (56%), always (35%), and never (9%).
    • Those who sometimes read the messages mainly do when information is “something I am interested in” (58%).
    • The majority of people who always read the messages think they are “good” (55%).
    • The people who never read the messages are evenly divided between “doesn’t interest me” and “not enough time” (21%).
  • People overwhelmingly want to read about “future directions of the Medical School” (80%). 

                                                                                             The survey information will help shape future monthly Dean’s messages. Thanks!